New Dining Hall Update!

July 8, 2020 Update

On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, the Door County Zoning Board of Adjustment denied our request for variance for an access bridge to make our proposed new building compliant with the American With Disabilities Act. We are currently exploring our options, and will let you know when we have a new plan forward. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

-Dale Stewart


Dear Friend:

We want to share some good news with you! As you may know, discussions have been underway for some time about the need for expanded space for dining, meeting and other Camp Zion activities. 

After the fall camp season ended, we had time to begin work on a Conditional Use Permit application to construct a new facility on the NW corner of the playfield for dining, meeting, recreation, education, and other activities customary for a religious Institutional Recreation Camp. Just a few days ago, we submitted our application to the County.

We have listened carefully to concerns that were raised during our 2015 proposal. Since then, we have sought wisdom and guidance from Town and County officials, engineering and architectural professionals, citizens, neighbors, and attorneys. The collective wisdom of these conversations has resulted in plans for an attractive and functional Northwoods style facility that meets our need for additional dining and meeting spaces. The facility is in keeping with the character of other Camp Zion buildings, the surrounding community, the Town of Liberty Grove, and Door County, and is allowable under the Door County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.

There are a number of differences between the building that had been proposed in 2015, and the current proposal. The footprint of this facility is smaller, further away from Door Bluff Rd. neighbors, further away from the Niagara Escarpment, and better shielded from view by vegetation and topography. The facility has been designed to facilitate ADA accessibility. Furthermore, the facility is located on an appropriately-sized parcel, in a different zoning district that allows for Institutional Recreation camps.

The purpose of the planned improvement is to: 

  • replace insufficient and outdated meeting and dining facilities, 

  • enhance the guest experience, 

  • better service the allowable capacity,

  •  improve the overall Camp operations, and

  •  meet the needs of our churches and groups throughout the year.

Camp Zion is happy to be a part of the larger Door County community. We cherish our opportunity to welcome visitors to Door County. We’re excited about how an updated dining facility will enable better hospitality and benefit not only our guests, but Door County as a whole.

Camp is a place of life-change, and allows campers to take a break from the pace and distractions of life, and breathe in the beauty of God’s creation. Campers learn new skills, try new activities, and enjoy unforgettable fun in community with great friends and caring staff. Most importantly, Camp allows campers to discover for themselves the life-transforming power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

We are trusting God for the outcome of this process, and welcome your prayers. He has a wonderful plan for Camp Zion, as He does for each of you! 


Dale Stewart

Executive Director 

12701 Door Bluff Rd., P.O. Box 32, Ellison Bay, WI 54210, 920-854-2790 Email:

Door County’s Christian Camp

Camp Zion