Men’s Retreats & Opportunities

Men’s Retreats and work crews have always been an integral part of the life of camp, as well as in the life of the Church. We hope you will be part of a great tradition of men’s ministry at Camp Zion!


LumberJack Work Weekend

April , 2025

The original vision for Camp Zion grew out of a desire from returning WWII GIs to build a camp to reach kids and adults for Christ. Early men’s work parties built camp out of nothing. Work crews have been building and maintaining camp ever since.

Time spent away with other men is always good. You’ll enjoy the camaraderie, sense of accomplishment, taking care of God’s camp, and helping pave the way for the future of the ministry.

Guys, help us get camp ready for summer and finish up some important maintenance projects. Great food and fellowship. Come Thursday or Friday. No charge, but please register in advance. (Emphasis on the word ADVANCE!!)

May 5-7 is for guys.

2024 Guest Speaker Marc Maillefer

Fall Men’s Retreat

October 17-19, 2025

Guys, enjoy great fellowship and sharing times around the coffee pot, campfire, and charcoal grill!

We are excited to have Marc Maillefer as our guest speaker. Marc serves as Pastor Emeritus of Door Creek Church in Madison. He studied at Bethel College and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is married to Lori, and they have 5 kids. He loves studying and teaching the Bible in order to join God in His mission in this world, starting in our own backyard.

You my check in any time after 1:00 PM on Friday, Friday pizza meal will be served at 6:00PM, last meal is Sunday breakfast. Optional activities could include Segway tours, PAINTBALL, Rod & Gun Club, golf, biking, archery, sling shots. $170.ºº


Opportunities to Serve

From the beginning, Camp has been blessed with many male staff members and workers – talented, creative, servant-leaders.

There is a tremendous shortage of available men able to serve at camps in this country. We want you to help us change that! We are eager to include more men (and ladies) as staff, cooks, and volunteers to keep this great tradition alive.